Celebrating Over 20 Years As A Fan Club


  • On August 26th, 1989, a group of "renegade" Doctor Who fans belonging to a local college-based club formed a private, non-profit organization registered to the state of Wisconsin. While the primary mission of the club was to support Doctor Who, the club supported a wide variety of related interests in British science fiction, British comedy and just about anything awesome made for TV or screen.
  • We sustained ourselves during the "Wilderness Years" of Doctor Who (not in prodution) with regular events, fanzines, a fan video production, a Monty Python night, two murder mysteries, local vendor tours, convention support and public TV pledge drives. We discovered that we enjoyed each other as friends that went beyond Doctor Who. That's really the essense of a well-run club.
  • After more than 20 years of maintaining an active science fiction fan club, it is hoped that others follow our model and form more groups. While online social networking is an excellent means of connecting with others who share your interests, there is NOTHING that compares to running and maintaining state-registered organizations when supporting your favorite television shows and movies. It is clubs that help at public television fundraisers, attend conventions, get the word out when something special is coming to town and turn just watching a show into a source of creativity and inspiration to explore the world around you.
  • Take a look back at recent history at how Doctor Who fandom kept the flames of interest alive even when the show was not being made. When you attend any convention, you will see tables with flyers from all sorts of clubs and industries. For as long as there are groups who come back each year, your show will still be there in one form or another. Next time you attend a convention, why not seriously decide what part you want to play in fandom? Writing? Building? Costuming? Acting? Crafting? Merchandising? Fan Page Building?
  • Founder member Jay Badenhoop meets newer MTL member Nick Seidler at 20th anniversary dinner cruise. (August 2009)